The Nazi Cult Of Motherhood

Concept Explanation

The Nazi Cult Of Motherhood

The Nazi Cult Of Motherhood: Hitler believed that the fight for equal rights for men and women was wrong , as it would destroy society. His belief was implemented in the following measures:

  • In Nazi Germany, young people and even children, were repeatedly told that women were radically different from men. According to the Nazi ideology, the fight for equal rights for men and women, was quite wrong and it would destroy society.
  • Till that time, it had become part of democratic struggles. While boys were taught to be aggressive, masculine and hardworking, girls were told to become good mothers and bring up pure-blooded Aryan children.
  • In 1933, Hitler said, ‘In my state the mother is the most important citizen’ but in Nazi Germany all mothers were not treated equally. Women had to maintain the purity of the race, look after the home and teach their children Nazi ideology.
  • Those mothers who produced racially desirable children were awarded, given favoured treatment in hospitals, concessions in shops, theatres and even in the railways. Honours of bronze cross for four children, a silver for six and a gold for eight or more was given to eligible women.
  • Women who maintained contacts with Jews, Poles or Russians were paraded through the town with shaved heads, blackened faces and posters hanging from their necks saying, ‘I have sullied the honour of the nation’. Many were imprisoned and lost civic honour and families.
  •  The cult of motherhood


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